Unveil EduTech Challenges through Technology

2 min readMar 23, 2021


Iman Usman, Co-Founder and CPO of Ruangguru at the Ruangguru I/O 2021

The Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) report in 2015 stated that 42% of Indonesian students are performed below PISA’s average in literacy, math, and science. At the same time, only 0.8% of students reached average PISA scores. Mirroring this report means that Indonesia’s education system is left behind among 79 assessed countries. One of the main issues is the quality and qualification of Indonesian teachers. According to the World Bank, great teachers also substantially impact students’ well-being throughout their lives, affecting their academic achievement and other long-term social and labor outcomes. Education systems require effective teachers who can facilitate and support learning instead of delivering content; using a combination of in-person and digital methods to provide lessons; fostering creative thinking, communication, collaboration; inculcate learning as a fun thing to do, how to persevere, and have self-control.

“Disparity between the highest and lowest earners would shrink by 39% if they all had the same education”. — UNESCO (2016)

Ruangguru helps to solve these problems through technology by offering free applications with subscription-based premium content. We are combining quality and interactive content with data and technology. Through good quality content and technology improvement, we can help students to learn quickly and effectively.

“Ruangguru is not replacing formal education, but we are complementing them.”

Within six years of delivering solutions for life-long learning through our apps that have been used by more than 23 million users across Indonesia, Thailand, and Vietnam, Ruangguru becomes the largest education technology company in Southeast Asia.

There is no global playbook for education technology because education in each country is different and very localized. Thus, we in Ruangguru are continuously improving our products based on our study of student development in Indonesia. Through our multi-product strategy, we have captured the demand for online learning across multiple segments and are more relevant to each other.

Ruangguru leverages Artificial Intelligence (AI) through an AI-powered adaptive platform that creates effective personalized learning. Where students go through the most efficient path to mastery for themselves, the complexity of the approach necessitates the use of AI and cannot be achieved offline. We also implement combining in-video questions and knowledge graphs to create a truly adaptive learning experience. Ruangguru continuously improves our academic content to optimize value to our users and help students to learn better with a good outcome.

